
Education for Reserve Preparers and the Community Association Industry

Associated Reserve Planners USA Education and Training

Associated Reserve Planners (ARP) is the leading provider of education for the community association industry on reserve study and maintenance topics.  Our annual conferences provide 8 hours of training to meet the continuing education requirements of ARP (Associated Reserve Planners), ICBI (International Capital Budgeting Institute), and BPCB (Budgeting Professionals Credentialing Board).  Beginning in 2021, all presentations are recorded and available here.   They may be viewed on this site but are not available for download, or recording.  

A full description of our education philosophy is available here.

Conference presentations are available on a fee basis only at $25 per webinar presentation. 

Selected stand-alone presentations are also available, some on a pay basis and others on a free basis.

ARP has also scheduled a number of presentations outside the formal conference environment which are available on a free basis.  We will be adding to this group regularly.

ARP requires 8 hours continuing education annually for all preparer members.  Associate members are not required to comply with the education requirements for preparer members.  Please note that this 8 hour requirement also satisfies the 8 hour education requirements for both the International Capital Budgeting Institute (ICBI) and the Budgeting Professionals Credentialing Board (BPCB).

For anyone wishing to participate in a discussion online about reserves consider joining the Condo and HOA Reserve Studies Group -

  2024 Conference